Dollshy: What do you think about Hybrids?

The Dolls Kill Dilemma: Why Fashionistas Are Paying So Much. Minifee customization, Fairyland BJD, Joint doll, BJD collection, Hand painted resin doll, 1/4 doll scale, Rare collectible doll, Korean design doll, Clothes for Minifee, Minifee doll makeup, Handmade doll, Top Quality Doll, Doll Art, Hyper-Realistic Doll, BJD Customization, Minifee Doll Fashion, Fairyland Deluxe Doll, Minifee Doll For Collectors, Doll For Adult Collectors, Kids Doll Collection, Minifee Doll Limited Edition.

Why? If people are that petty, why give them a second thought?

At the end of the day, dolls are products. I paid (Y) company for (X) doll head: therefore, the head is now my property. I can do what I like with it. If the company doesn’t like it, I’m going to roll my eyes. Would they have preferred it if I hadn’t purchased one of their products at all, just because I didn’t like their body sculpts?

In a lot of businesses, if a customer doesn’t want to buy a product, it makes good sense to find out why, rather than act snotty towards the customer because they don’t appreciate your speshul artwork. For the love of Jimbob, not everyone is going to like the same things.

Myself, I have my own preferences 1/3-scale regarding bodies:

It has to be adult-looking and fairly realistic.

It has to pose well and/or be double-jointed.

It has to be easily available, and come from a company I trust.

It has to have a competitive price. (No more than $400 for the body by itself, at most.) There has only ever been one doll I’ve been willing to spend more than $600 on (Feeple Ashley… alright, maybe Cali, too. And Iplehouse Akando. Okay, when I said one, I lied.), and that’s because their bodies seem to be engineered really well.

If a company’s bodies doesn’t fit my preferences, then that’s just tough. No-one’s entitled to my money.


Source minifeedoll