Dollshy: old popular bjd magazines / publications

Sakura's Enchanted Forest Adventure Minifee, Fairyland, Jointed Doll, Ball-Jointed Doll (BJD), Resin Doll, 1/4 Scale Doll, Collectible Doll, South Korean Doll, Doll Accessories, Doll Customization, Handmade Doll, Doll high quality, Artistic Doll, Realistic Doll, Customize Doll, Fashion Doll, Luxury Doll, Adult Doll, Children Doll, Collector Doll.

I was wondering what are or were since sadly like all of them or the ones I used to like are out of print, favorites BJD Japanese magazines or books any type of publication! As nostalgia has hit me while I went through my whole shelves because I'm moving rooms since there is no more space in mine for more dolls :(. So I'm trading my closet which is in another bigger room in front and making my room there and the closet on the smaller room! I need space for all my dolls and magazines and…

old popular bjd magazines / publications

Source minifeedoll