i was thinking that I would give me problems, but maybe not so much?.
Im based in Northern Europe. I will have to set on hold for buy from Denver ( luckily have no order there now). witch is quite sad, I have bought in stock doll from them that I wanted but could not find any other places.
But I have received two smaller packages from legenddoll here in January. Normally I will have to pay tax, import tax and handling fees and so on.. I have paid nothing this time for both packages. Confused i contacted my post office, they said all was fine. So maybe my country all ready have some new deals going on or maybe it truly was a mistake… xD.
– I do not have any other packages coming, so I don’t know what to expect at the moment.
But yes, It will chance my spending habit, for now.
I have bought from a lot of companies from a lot of deferent country over the last 2-3 years. I will have to be more selective and have to know where it will be sending form. hopefully it will be normal soon again.