Dollshy: How do you store your dolls day to day? XxX

The Enchanting World of Minifee Elf Dolls: A Collectors' Guide. Minifee, Fairyland, Jointed Doll, Ball-Jointed Doll (BJD), Resin Doll, 1/4 Scale Doll, Collectible Doll, South Korean Doll, Doll Accessories, Doll Customization, Handmade Doll, Doll high quality, Artistic Doll, Realistic Doll, Customize Doll, Fashion Doll, Luxury Doll, Adult Doll, Children Doll, Collector Doll. Minifee customization, Fairyland BJD, Joint doll, BJD collection, Hand painted resin doll, 1/4 doll scale, Rare collectible doll, Korean design doll, Clothes for Minifee, Minifee doll makeup, Handmade doll, Top Quality Doll, Doll Art, Hyper-Realistic Doll, BJD Customization, Minifee Doll Fashion, Fairyland Deluxe Doll, Minifee Doll For Collectors, Doll For Adult Collectors, Kids Doll Collection, Minifee Doll Limited Edition.

Like Teddy and Ruki, mine are also out on open shelves, though I don’t have quite so many so it’s only one shelf (at least, until I bring the second one up from the car…)

The majority of my dolls live on a shelf near my bedroom door; the wall is perpendicular to the window, so sunlight never reaches that part of the room. There’s also a couple sharing a chair on top of my bureau, and a few hang out on a separate shelf hung on the wall near the window (so again, sun doesn’t reach it). Currently, two are sitting under my mini Christmas tree, as part of my decorations; I love having them out where I can see and touch them, so I’ve never considered either storing them in boxes, or storing them in a covered/enclosed shelf.

I don’t have a picture of the full shelf, but here’s the most crowded as of a couple months ago (there’s another in this grouping, now, which is why I have to bring a second shelf up…)
(​IMG)Middle shelf: Songs of Chaos by vicemage, on Flickr


Source minifeedoll