Like Teddy and Ruki, mine are also out on open shelves, though I don’t have quite so many so it’s only one shelf (at least, until I bring the second one up from the car…)
The majority of my dolls live on a shelf near my bedroom door; the wall is perpendicular to the window, so sunlight never reaches that part of the room. There’s also a couple sharing a chair on top of my bureau, and a few hang out on a separate shelf hung on the wall near the window (so again, sun doesn’t reach it). Currently, two are sitting under my mini Christmas tree, as part of my decorations; I love having them out where I can see and touch them, so I’ve never considered either storing them in boxes, or storing them in a covered/enclosed shelf.
I don’t have a picture of the full shelf, but here’s the most crowded as of a couple months ago (there’s another in this grouping, now, which is why I have to bring a second shelf up…)